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Team Ray

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The Best in The Bay

Our Team

Peter Gahl

Ethan Foust

Ivan Martinez

Raymond Nemaia 

Josh Campbell

Sabrina Nguyen

Anjolie Enz

Anjuli Oey

Dremaine Boyd

McKenna Lewis

Jazmine  Zuniga

My name is Raymond Nemaia and I am a running candidate for the Mayor of Oakland. My team, Team Ray, is responsible for solving the conflicts and problems in this city and making it a better place for the entire community of Oakland.

My name is Ivan Martinez and I am a member of Team Ray and my vision for Oakland give people homes and prevent devastating tragedies.

My name is Peter Gahl and I am a proud member of Raymond Nemaia’s campaign team. I believe as a group we can make a change in Oakland.

My name is Anjuli Oey, and I’m the Campaign Manager of Team Ray. I know this team is capable of making Oakland a better place to live, and I can’t wait to see what we accomplish.

My name is Anjolie Enz, and I am a member of Team Ray. My goal is to make Oakland a safer and more enjoyable place to live.

I’m Sabrina Nguyen and I am a member of Team Ray. I believe that with our teams campaign we can bring some great changes to Oakland’s community and make Oakland a better place for everyone. I also can’t wait to continue to work with Raymond's campaign Team.

My name is Josh Campbell and I’m a member of this team who is good at drawing art ‘n stuff like that. I am also kinda good a communication with my team.

My name is Jazmine and I´m proud of my team members, I´m honored to be working on Team Ray and I believe that my team members and I could make Oakland a better place.

My name is McKenna Lewis and I am proud to be a member of Team Ray. I believe that our group can help make a change Oakland together with the citizens.

My name is Ethan Foust. I am a proud member of Team Ray. I believe Raymond will bring great changes and make Oakland a better place to live. I am proud to be on his campaign team.

My name is Dremaine and I am proud, and excited to be working on Team Ray, because I know that they can help make Oakland a better place for everyone, and if we work together, it won’t be long before Oakland is better than it ever was. Hopefully, we can fix some of the bigger issues that are occurring in Oakland, such as poverty, and violence.

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